Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Dear October Heather,

Hi, it's me April Heather. First I would like to commend you on your enthusiasm and ambition, I realize October was 192 days ago. The seasons were changing, the pretty leaves and crisp breeze must have swept you away to another world, a world full of optimism and confidence, and apparently a foresight that I don't have.

I'm sure you had noticed the days getting shorter, but maybe you forgot to think about the fact that they get even shorter and the whole daylight savings time thing always screws everything up. And as the people on Game of Thrones say a lot.... 'winters coming' but maybe you were distracted by the pretty leaves.

But for reals October Heather, what the f*@# were you thinking when you signed up for TWO races that are now 2 days away. Clearly you didn't think about the cold winter months that would have to be spent doing something other than sitting on your bottom. Kudos to you for having a little faith, but did you forget our procrastinating tendencies? I guess you got caught up in the hype, the free tshirts and finisher medals. It sounded like a good idea at the time, but in hindsight a 5K would have probably sufficed and got your point across, no need to add the mini I-challenge to the mix (you just wanted a 3rd medal didn't you?!) which added a 10K. 3.2 sounded too easy huh.... sure add another 6. 

HOLY S***.
   - April Heather

I don't want to die. But let's think about this for a second, several times before I have signed up for races with little no prior workouts, these do include a 5k and a 10k, and that 10k course is brutal, it's pretty much a vertical climb up Mt Everest. But I didn't die during those events, and I won't die this weekend. I don't think this is what they had in mind when they say couch to 5k, I thought long and hard about actually not doing it. I've been wanting to get my "running" career off and going here for awhile, better late than never? If you aren't first your last? Slow and steady wins the race? I have scoured the FAQ's on the marathons website and they allow walkers in all races except the full marathon!! Whew... at least I can walk if I have to without getting evil looks. My two goals are to not be last, and to do better than my last times.

Here are the last times I have for races I've done, brace yourself (caution these are nowhere near world record times)

5k:  50:33.8
10K: 1:49:47

omg, I am hyperventilating already.

1 comment:

  1. My advice: just enjoy the moment. The Illinois Marathon is my favorite race ever. The atmosphere of running on campus, the comradiere of the participants, and the enthusiasm of the volunteers & bystanders are unmatched. Run when you feel like it, walk when you must. Just live in the moment, take it all in, and be proud of yourself for doing what others don't have the courage to do. I predict you will leave there inspired to do more. :)


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