Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Seriously Where in the H does 24 hours go?!

As I sit here trying to get through my normal internet searching schedule, I happened to glance at the time... already 10:19 serious?! This is getting a bit old, this will be night 3 or 4 where I don't feel like I have gotten my daily amount of slacking done. Now that may sound counter productive but lets think about this.... an average person should get about 8 hours (give or take) of sleep, a normal work day is 7 hours 45 mins, lets call it 8. That is already minus 16 hours out of 24. Take into account the rounded 2 hours in travel time daily and bam that leaves a measly 6 hours of slack time. I feel like this isn't enough time, I have blogs to check, gossip sites to catch up on and squeeze in some good pinning in there too, oh and dinner, and I'm trying to get my walks in which is minus another 50 mins or so... yowza.

Tonight I bought a wireless printer, did I need one? No not really. But it's super awesome! No more messy cords and I can print emails etc from my iPhone too, fantastic! If you're in the market for a new printer, Target has the one I got on sale for $50 (down from 80) and you get a $10 Target gift card to boot! Side rant: Target really is the land of let me enter the doors and see what I don't really need but will buy anyway. Tonight's victim was my mom, she saw a package of six colors of socks on clearance and couldn't pass it up, did she need them, nope, Target strikes again! Also I didn't realize that tricking you with a gift card had become Targets new "thing" whoever came up with that idea needs to get a big fat raise. In your mind you minus the $10 against competitors, but really you are just encouraged to come back and spend more than the $10 they gave you... well played Target, well played.

One of my summer goals was to take a class, well the community college didn't have a whole lot to offer in the summer but the fall schedule is out and now I'm overwhelmed with options. I'm thinking about the sewing classes, I know how to sew but I'm not terribly good at patterns. Or there is the knitting and crocheting class. I know I sound like an old woman and please feminists don't hate me, but stuff like that for my generation is kind of a lost art. I might add that I have glamorous dreams of becoming a wonderful artsy fartsy crafty person and will make millions with my Etsy shop. Maybe the Page Turner will let me have a corner of her hippy/All natural store. PT is whipping up batches of all natural body scrubs and shaving cream and all kind of stuff. She's kind of becoming a voo-doo hippy/witch doctor. It's the farm, it makes everyone go crazy lol jk PT, jk.

The time is now 11:10 and I feel I have so many other wasteful internet browsing to do (the intermittent surfing/blogging/surfing/surfing wasn't enough), but alas, I shall call it a night. I'm finally getting most of my things put back after the ambitious effort of rearranging my office/TV room. I have big plans for a digital organization fest in the coming months, deleting old files on my computers and maybe a winter project can be printing off my pictures and making my year scrap books a dream come true. Who knows, don't forget the world is ending in December so maybe it's best to not be quite so ambitious.. ya know, just in case.

1 comment:

  1. Obviously, I'm not slacking enough if I missed this post. I am not spending enough time on blogs because of my Wicken World. Reading many books and internet searches on beauty items to make at home. It is very interesting.
    I think your items would be wonderful in my hippy shop.
    I cannot tell you how short my nights feel! There are 8 hours in the day that feel like 16 hours. The rest fly by! The week-end, forget about it. Gone in the blink of an eye!


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