Wednesday, July 16, 2014

My First Arizona Thunderstorm

This past Sunday I finally got to see my first legit rain and a proper thunderstorm! I had to make a Target run and noticed the sky looked a little dark, and after I had got home and been settled in for a bit, the wind picked up and I looked out the window and little drips of water started falling from the sky. 

Of course I ran outside to make sure it was real, and sure enough it was really happening! It was so nice to feel the breeze of a thunderstorm, but then the wind just kept going and soon it was raining sideways! Turns out it had been a series of microbursts and caused quite a bit of damage around the area, lots of trees were uprooted and knocked over, some even fell on cars! Zoinks! Glad that wasn't me! 


Here's a short video of the storm from my front patio, it was nice that I was covered and could sit outside and watch it rain and thunder and lightening! 


  1. Was it a dry heat after the rain? PT

  2. We have had rain like that too but it is cold!!


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