Monday, October 8, 2012


I happy to say that if you get with the program and stick with it, it works. Today after what I thought would be a terrible week I was down 2.2lbs at weigh in for a total of 7.6 lbs! Which is totally awesome! 

I kinda feel like this year has come full circle a bit. I started off the year with such good intentions, as most do, then fell off the wagon over the summer. But the cooler weather has given me back the ambition and Weight Watchers has helped tremendously these short 3 weeks. That's all it took apparently. It appears that I have an attention span of a week, so weekly goals are more my speed. A few weeks ago at our meeting, yeah they really kinda like "Hi my name is Heather, I eat too much"... "Hi, Heather" we were talking how it's only about 6 weeks until Thanksgiving and think of all you can accomplish in 6 weeks. I hope I can keep up a lot of the same, it would be nice to get some confidence back.

I'll post some more recipes soon! 

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