Monday, June 8, 2015

It's Not Technically Summer...

The first official day of Summer is June 21st, which isn't too far away... but Arizona doesn't know that. In the valley of the sun, it's either summer or almost summer. Though it's been fairly mild compared to last year at this time, it's still been hanging out in the 100°-108°F which doesn't exactly scream let's all go outside and play. 

On top of all of that, this wave of training I have a part-time training class and work 12:30p-8:15p which has totally messed up my whole sleeping schedule! I do enjoy sleeping in, but it's still got my all jarbled up on when I should be sleeping and when I should be awake, hats off to those third shift workers of the world, I don't know how you do it! 

More on top of that even, I have been should have been studying for an insurance exam I signed up for as part of my continuing education for my job. Me and school... I'm what you would call procrastinator. I crammed for it last minute and had my test yesterday and by some miracle I passed! I'm very glad too, it's an expensive test if you have to retake it. 

I have been checking in on a friend's house while they are on vacation, I'm trying not to kill their plants, and taking care of their cats. Bonus is they have a pool! Which in this heat I have been taking full advantage of! I've decided my house MUST have a pool, what a great treat after a long day of not studying! 

A.Drama is coming to visit in a few weeks and we have lots of fun things planned, plenty of blog worthiness coming your way soon! Hope you all are keeping cool and enjoying the almost summertime

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