Wednesday, January 8, 2014

One Week of 2014

I have sat down several times to write my first post of 2014 but I feel like this first week of 2014 has been so much longer than a week and every time I sat down to do it, I didn't so let's go back in time for a sec to catch up! 

NiBo and I spent NYE playing Mario Kart and Mario Tennis on Nintendo 64...

Then New Years Day I worked OT...

On the 2nd day of the New Year it snowed...

The 3rd was just another lazy day...

On the 4th I prepared for the giant snow storm by washing my car (I was 8th in line at this point, and it took me an hour to get to the front)...

Then as the snow was coming down on the 5th Oliver tried to eat my breakfast...

Then on the 6th it was time to clean the snow off the cars, oh and the windchill was -39°F, and we had a Snow Day at work! :)

It warmed up on the 7th to -24°F, the roads were still icky so I took another snow day,

We couldn't leave town because of the roads but we could go down the street! You see, the city dumps all the snow they pick up from the downtown area to an empty lot, we call it Mt. GC, and as the pile got higher and higher we had to go climb it! 

That's me! 

Oh hey down there

Then we noticed the giant icicles on the side of Gpa's workshop

Which brings us to today. Today I went back to work the roads were snowpacked in spots and the snow was still in half the lane in some places too, but I made it to work (oh hooray) Tonight all I have done is this blog post and watch the People's Choice awards. If you were impressed that I remembered what I did each day of the new year, you have my #Project365 to thank! A picture a day for a whole year, you can follow along on Instagram! (hlb_7)

Hope everyone has had a wonderful first week of 2014! Stay tuned for this year's Word of the year! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is some snow!!! I was wondering how you were going! We are heading for temps in the 40's C next week,of course the week we go home from the beach! Great snow photos!


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