I'm pooped. I've been awake now for 24+ hours with intermittent sleep. First flight was good, little boreing, didn't really sleep a whole lot. It was cool to see everything from 30,000ft. It was dark when we crossed the ocean, so I didn't get to see that.
Our flight landed in Frankfurt a little early but around 5:30am, we waited for my friends sister-in-law who met us at the airport around 8, our train left about 9am heading to Schweinfurt (home base) it was about a 2.5hr ride through the German countryside, I even saw corn! Well I actually saw more of my eyelids, I couldn't keep them open any longer so I missed most of the beauty.
It's now time for a nap before we head out for dinner. We leave in the morning for Munich for an overnight stay then head to Salzburg, Austria for the night and head back Monday, so you won't hear from me until then :)
Just wanted to let everyone know I landed safe!
Be safe lil grasshopper ........OL