- It was going to be a snack blizzard but our stupid DQ makes it's own hours apparently.. seriously WTF?!
- Where does so much snot come from? My nose has been a snot factory in overdive the past few days.
- I was bummed I didn't feel well enough to run in the 5k over the weekend. BWurm ran it in 23 minutes and was complaining prior that he hadn't run in a few days... really?! You will not be my running partner anytime soon there buddy.
- I wish NyQuil was instantaneous
- Any kind of get better medicine in liquid form looks so scary and never tastes quite as bad as you remember.
- seriously I still cannot walk into the bathroom and even glance in the general direction of the mirror without the light on....still.
- Kleenex Cold Touch tissures are super amazing, how do they do that?
- I started a new job on Monday... well training for a new job. It's very boreing. It's all web-based, it's a very quiet room with everyone listening to their training on headphones not really talking.
- Blowing your nose in a silent room is quite embarassing.
- They announced Friday afternoon that Friday was my last day.
- I haven't watch TV for two days. I didn't even turn the TV on tonight.
- I'm really glad we have DVR's... what would we do with out them?
- I don't wear a watch anymore, I miss my watch, it needs a new battery. Maybe I'll fix it and start wearing my watch again.
- I unsubscribed to numerous unnecessary newsletters I was receiving. I hope that will declutter my inbox a bit, I never read them anyway.
- Is it winter or spring?
- time changes this weekend, Spring Forward! :)
- I've been enjoying my Nook. It's sparked my reading interest again.
- Tomorrow is 'Dip Day' in the training unit where I am currently implanted. I'm making BLT Dip, do you have a favorite dip?
- Tomorrow is yoga, I'm excited for that. Except for the stupid girl that was beside me last time, I'm going to try to not sit by her this time.
- I got my hair cut. You can't tell, it was just a trim. I feel better though. My hair has gotten really long, I like!
- 87 Days until I get 15 days of vacation days added (Happy 5 year anniversary at SF to me!)
- I am in love with Savannah, Georiga. I want to live there and explore.
- I watched Oprah's next chapter with Paula Deen, her accent reminds me of my Grandma Min, who isn't my grandma at all. I'll tell you about Grandma Min later this week stay tuned!
- Can you become slightly germaphobic out of nowhere as you age? I cannot touch the door handle in public bathrooms or work anymore without a paper towel in hand. Weird I know.
- The 100th Anniversary of the Titanic is this year. In rememberence I will be seeing Titanic and cry...... don't let go Jack!
- Oreos? Titanic? What else happened 100 years ago?
- How strict do you think the dosage for NyQuil is, double shot anyone?
Thanks for tuning in. This concludes the random stream of thoughts from inside my brain for tonight. Come back real soon, ya hear?
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