This month the Page Turners read Hungry for Happiness by James Villas. It's the story of Loretta who has dealt with weight issues her whole life. She has been almost obsessed with losing weight after she had gastric bypass surgery. The book follows her through some tough times with men and food and dealing with a family who like her better fat because they too deal with weight and are unable to be happy for her in her new found life. Loretta has always loved food and after her surgery she loved to share her joy of food with others and begins a catering business. Through the book we find her struggle still with body image, the ups and downs with me and constantly searching for happiness.
Some people think that being skinny will solve all the problems but as we see from Loretta that's not always the case, no matter your size, the grass is always greener. During our discussion the quote was thrown out there "If everyone threw all their problems in a pile, we would quickly grab our own back." We had a great discussion the best we have had in awhile. It's something everyone can relate to, and as women most of us have some sort of issue with our bodies. But I think the lesson from the book was just finding something that takes your mind off of all of that, something that you can do and be focused and be in the moment; that was our other big theme for this book, "living in the moment". We felt that through cooking, Loretta was able to focus, although out of necessity to not spoil the recipe, she was able to be in the moment and be happy and forget about the other worries and things going on in her life good or bad.
Happiness and living in the moment, most of the time so much easier said than done. Life is too short to worry about tomorrow or yesterday, we have to learn to live in the now and remember Hakuna Matata (it means no worries)
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Ok I have to talk about this...
The weirdest thing has been happening all this week, like literally every day. Every night I have looked at a clock at exactly 11:11pm (and yes I've made wishes every time) but the fact that it keeps happening and happened again tonight (note my cell screen shot to the left) it's really starting to weird me out a bit. Every once in awhile is completely legit to stumble upon the time but this is really getting weird. So to google I go type in "meaning of 11:11" and here's what we get.... first link
Ok stay with me here, I had to look deeper and this one weirded me out even more.. typed "11:11" into google, first link 1111spiritguardians.comFor many years the numbers 11:11 have been mysteriously appearing to people all over the world. Often appearing on digital clocks, the sightings of 11:11 tend to occur during times of heightened awareness, having a most powerful effect on the people involved. This causes a reactivation of our cellular memory banks. There's a stirring deep inside, a hint of remembrance of something long forgotten.
The appearance of 11:11 is also a powerful confirmation that we are on the right track, aligned with our highest Truth. Throughout the years, I have personally encountered thousands of people all over the world who, have experienced repeated sightings of 11:11. They all want to know what is happening to them and why. What does the 11:11 signify?11:11 is a pre-encoded trigger placed into our cellular memory banks prior to our descent into matter which, when activated, signifies that our time of completion is near. This refers to the completion of duality. When the 11:11 appears to you, it is your wake-up call. A direct channel opens up between you and the Invisible. When this happens, it is time to reflect on whatever you are doing for a moment and Look Larger. A transfer is in position. You can enter the Greater Reality if you wish pray or meditate and seed your future and also, you can be seeded by the Invisible. You can ask for help in some specific area of your life or simply listen quietly and receive a revelation.
The appearance of 11:11 is an always beneficial act of Divine Intervention telling you that it is time to take a good look around you and see what is really happening. It's time to pierce the veils of illusion that keep us bound to an unreal world. You have been chosen, because you are ready, to step into the Greater Reality. To lead the way for others into a new way of living, into a Greater Love. To ascend from duality into Oneness.
The 11.11 is the bridge our vitality and oneness. It is our pathway into the postive unknown and beyond.
How often have you noticed the numbers 11:11, 12:12, 10:10, 22:22, 12:34, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44 or 5:55 popping up all over the place? These number sequences are not necessarily only time prompts. They can also be number sequences, like 333, 1111 etc. To your mind, is this a coincidence, or are they too frequent to be random? Perhaps you are puzzled or amused by this phenomenon? Possibly even a little bit nervous? The question everyone is asking is "What does 11:11 mean?" and "Is there a reason for this?" And there certainly is.
Millions of folks all around the world are now seeing these amazing 11:11 prompts. They are folks of all colours, all religions, all beliefs. It's spreading, and becoming far more common; it's become a major phenomenon. Someone or something is causing all these folks to look at clocks, number plates, phone numbers or any source of numbers even when they make no effort themselves to look for these things. You can even change your clocks in the house, and you will still be prompted, at the "wrong" time. You can't stop it, because YOU aren't doing it. Sometimes you will even see these numbers flashing after a power outage, even though digital clocks are supposed to reset to 12:00, not 11:11 or 12:12!
These 11:11 Wake-Up Calls on your digital clocks, mobile phones, VCR’s and microwaves are the "trademark" prompts of a group of just 1,111 fun-loving Spirit Guardians, or Angels, and the 11:11 prompt is their way of using our innate ability for pattern recognition to let us know that they are here. Once they have your attention, they will use other digits, like 12:34, or 2:22 to remind you of their presence. Invisible to our eyes, they are very real.
Our earthly 1,111 Spirit Guardians, often called "Midwayers," have been assisting folks of all walks of life for many centuries. George Barnard, the original human member of the 11:11 Progress Group, has been privileged to call them his family, his coworkers, friends and teachers for almost 60 years. Get an introduction into some of George's experiences in "From the Desk of George Barnard".
Some folks also notice lights going out or on when they pass by, such as street lights. They may also hear the door bell ring, yet there is no one in sight. It's all due to our fun loving midway friends. They will use almost any electrically controlled device to get your attention. They can and will change traffic lights, but we have found that often damages the electronic circuits, so we don't suggest you ask for that.Why am I weirded out after reading that last one. Well because also everyday this week the same two street lights have gone off as I drive by on my way home from work. I honestly just assumed it was because my headlights were hitting it and turning it off because my headlights are really bright apparently (or at least I assume so because people always think I have my brights on and flash their lights at me). Too weird, but kind of cool.
What does it mean?All in all, according to google, this sounds like a good thing. Makes me feel a little special. Maybe 2011 really will be a good year for me after all. Even if all this isn't true, it's nice of someone to go to all the trouble to make you feel good about seeing 11:11 and catching some street lamps turn off as you go by. It really does makes me feel a little special tonight. I especially like the line " happens one person at a time. Starting with you. Take responsibility for who you are, and most of all, who you are turning into." Especially important and resonates with me since I have declared 2011 a growing year and have been constantly working on bettering myself and growing into myself. Crazy randomness this is... and well just in case... I hear ya little guys, what's up?
It's a wake up call. A wake up to what you really are. You are not some accident of animal evolution, but a spiritual being that needs to pay attention to it's own spiritual evolution.
What does that mean?
Well in general it is an awakening to things that you don't know, and need to know. Humanity is in a mess, and not heading in the right direction. Folks are needed to change that, and it happens one person at a time. Starting with you. Take responsibility for who you are, and most of all, who you are turning into.
How do they do this prompting?
Well if we take the way-beyond-random chance sightings of any number sequence, these celestial beings are able to put a thought into your mind, just the same as one of your own, and you turn and look in the right place at the right time. Sometimes they create the number on an electronic device, most times they just point you to something that is there, that you would not have noticed, or if it is a clock, would have changed before you noticed. As for the street lamps going off, they can do that, as they have an affinity for electrical devices.
What do I have to do?
Acknowledge it out loud. Say - OK guys I hear you, tell me what you want. This speaking out loud is to get around the problem that Midwayers do not automatically have access to our thoughts. You can of course announce that you are happy for them to have this open access, or alternatively make it clear which thoughts you wish to share with them.
But I can't hear anything?
They will find some way to let you know. These guys are a bunch of special angels, and they have picked you for a very good reason. Quite what that reason is, may only later become clear. If you want to, you can work with them, as George has done, for many years. Or you can ask them to go away. Your choice - it's called free will. But they picked you because you can be useful to them.
and PS holy shizz just realized my very first post of the whole year was titled "1-1-11" OMG! that is 11:11! Whoa.
I'm Stealing These
Because I love quotes and because I'm totally addicted to this blog. Here are some great quotes for a Tuesday.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
No Autographs Please
Have any of you randomly made an appearance in the paper?
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
A Quick Post
Just so you guys will have something to read I have a few updates for you...
In my New Year plan of action, well continued action (I mentioned before that I try to do at least one new thing a month that I haven't done before in order to better myself aka force myself out of the house and comfort zone in an effort to expand my social skills/circle) tonight I attended my first HOG (Harley Owners Group) chapter meeting. I was nervous and of course had to scope out google maps satellite view, and Bing maps (which is actually way better and quite amazing the attention to detail it gives, go ahead try finding your house) because I had never been to the restaurant before AND a double whammy because I didn't know anyone there. But I got there and asked a table if I could join them and did the whole I'm new speil. They were of course VERY nice and included me in their discussions and told me about how they all met at the Thursday night dinner rides and filled me in on some of the things about the club. The club is also really involved in the community and raises money at every event for a local domestic violence shelter. The night could not have gone any better, I'm so glad that I'm starting to step out of the comfort zone. Motorcycling is really something I want to get more involved in and what better way than to surround yourself with people who want the same thing. Having a little bit of faith in yourself really can go a long way. I'm really looking forward to spring to get here so I can slower start venturing out with the group on some of their rides and meet more people who share the same interests.
Alex is home! He's seems to be doing a lot better and got to come home today. He ate some turkey which is great news, he's eating on his own. We just need to watch him and make him as comfortable as possible and keep him away from stress. We are all very happy that he is improving. He's still a little weak and tired and has just been chilling in his little bed, he will get up and explore a bit. Keep him in your prayers as he still has a ways to go to be all better.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
It's Been Awhile...sorry
Oh my noble blog followers, I took a little mini-vacation from blogging, kind of accident too and I apologize for that. I'm sure you were all in a worry about what was going on in my little world. Well fear not, I'm back don't fret.
Work has been incredibly lame and energy sucking from the work day drama and by time I got home from work I really didn't want to have to find something creative to say or feign an attempt at being funny. So that was partially the reason for my absence. Then yesterday I had every attempt to sit down and write you a great post and to say happy birthday to my mom but we had some sad news to deal with yesterday and I didn't feel like blogging.
My brothers little cat Alex is very sick. He is currently in the small animal hospital in an oxygen tent. He is still in critical condition but is stabilizing and resting comfortably. All of the sudden he had developed some heart issues and they are working to get him all better. He has improved since yesterday a bit but we are still not out of the woods by any means. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated to help our family and our blue-eyed little baby get through this tough time. We are hoping he will pull through but there are still no guarantees. He's a tough little guy and we hope for the best.
Work has been incredibly lame and energy sucking from the work day drama and by time I got home from work I really didn't want to have to find something creative to say or feign an attempt at being funny. So that was partially the reason for my absence. Then yesterday I had every attempt to sit down and write you a great post and to say happy birthday to my mom but we had some sad news to deal with yesterday and I didn't feel like blogging.
My brothers little cat Alex is very sick. He is currently in the small animal hospital in an oxygen tent. He is still in critical condition but is stabilizing and resting comfortably. All of the sudden he had developed some heart issues and they are working to get him all better. He has improved since yesterday a bit but we are still not out of the woods by any means. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated to help our family and our blue-eyed little baby get through this tough time. We are hoping he will pull through but there are still no guarantees. He's a tough little guy and we hope for the best.
Monday, January 10, 2011
You don't take a photograph, you make it.
Project 365 has been coming along quite nicely I think. I've been really excited about how some of the pictures are coming along. Everything so far has been taken indoors (have you been outside lately?! Brrr!) I can't wait until warmer weather when I can get outside! SPRING!! If you haven't had a chance to check out the pictures don't forget to head over to my photo blog and leave some love and tell me what your favorites are.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Dear Old Man Winter
Dear Old Man Winter,
I have yet again grown tired of your bitter cold winds, below freezing temperatures and early morning window scrapings. I understand that you have inches of accumulation in store for central Illinois this week, I dislike. I thought we had a deal, you were cool to hang around with in December and we do much appreciate the snow for Christmas, but it's a new year. Winter is sooo 2010. Here is my proposal, if you insist on sticking around please drop so much snow that I don't have to drive myself to work (that means you'll shut down roads and the big suits will find kindness in their hearts to call off work). Also make a deal with that little groundhog to ignore his shadow should he see it and please don't bring an icestorm or blizzard the week of February 8th, I should like to celebrate my birthday with unseasonably high temperatures no snow or ice to boot. That should just about do it. Thanks again.
North of 10th
I have yet again grown tired of your bitter cold winds, below freezing temperatures and early morning window scrapings. I understand that you have inches of accumulation in store for central Illinois this week, I dislike. I thought we had a deal, you were cool to hang around with in December and we do much appreciate the snow for Christmas, but it's a new year. Winter is sooo 2010. Here is my proposal, if you insist on sticking around please drop so much snow that I don't have to drive myself to work (that means you'll shut down roads and the big suits will find kindness in their hearts to call off work). Also make a deal with that little groundhog to ignore his shadow should he see it and please don't bring an icestorm or blizzard the week of February 8th, I should like to celebrate my birthday with unseasonably high temperatures no snow or ice to boot. That should just about do it. Thanks again.
North of 10th
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Making Other Plans
I don't know if you remember me telling you that I had signed up to be a part of the local HOG Chapter or not but I hadn't really done much other than sign up. Well you know those New Year Resolutions I kind of made, well here is a jump start to get me on track for one of them. The 19th is a do-or-die moment.
I get a monthly newsletter telling about upcoming events and things coming up. Once a month there is a chapter meeting at a local restaurant and I always tell myself well I'll go eventually and never do, mostly because I'm chicken (insert your favorite expletive for poo here). It being the new year and all and I need to meet people and make friends who like to do what I do, and what better way than to be around people gathered for a purpose revolving around a mutual like. I have signed up to attend the January meeting (AHHHH!) I've mentioned before that I dislike going places I've never been too (see #7 10 Things: That I worry entirely too much about) and this is a double whammy. A place I've never been to before AND going to someplace I don't know anyone. I've been into the Dealer many times and attend events sometimes so I've probably seen a few faces, and they are always really nice when you stop in and I know people aren't normally openly rude to someone so it won't be too terrible (I hope!)
This is just one way of me actually getting off my bum and trying to make a difference in my life. I really hope that this little step for man will lead to a giant step for mankind in the future aka me! Everyone always says you meet people when you least expect it. After all.. as John Lennon said "Life is what happens whiles your busy making other plans." I'm really trying to push myself out of my comfort zone, that's one reason I'm so stuck in this rut because I never meet new people, get interested in new things or really leave the house lol, it's no one's fault but my own for losing my adventurous spirit. So first month of the new year, stepping out of the box! Hopefully some great things will come from this year.
BTW, is it Spring yet? I'm all for a snowy December, it adds to the holiday spirit and brings tidings of good cheer, but we're over the cold, please bring warm weather. I miss my motorcycle, it makes me sad to see it stuck in the shed with a cover on and hooked up to life support (aka battery charger). That rubber was meant to hit the road!! Bring it already! You'll notice the countdown to your right, not that it will hurry Spring along any but it's nice to have tabs on when she should arrive. (Is Spring a girl or boy? Winter is an Old Man but I don't know about the other seasons)
I get a monthly newsletter telling about upcoming events and things coming up. Once a month there is a chapter meeting at a local restaurant and I always tell myself well I'll go eventually and never do, mostly because I'm chicken (insert your favorite expletive for poo here). It being the new year and all and I need to meet people and make friends who like to do what I do, and what better way than to be around people gathered for a purpose revolving around a mutual like. I have signed up to attend the January meeting (AHHHH!) I've mentioned before that I dislike going places I've never been too (see #7 10 Things: That I worry entirely too much about) and this is a double whammy. A place I've never been to before AND going to someplace I don't know anyone. I've been into the Dealer many times and attend events sometimes so I've probably seen a few faces, and they are always really nice when you stop in and I know people aren't normally openly rude to someone so it won't be too terrible (I hope!)
This is just one way of me actually getting off my bum and trying to make a difference in my life. I really hope that this little step for man will lead to a giant step for mankind in the future aka me! Everyone always says you meet people when you least expect it. After all.. as John Lennon said "Life is what happens whiles your busy making other plans." I'm really trying to push myself out of my comfort zone, that's one reason I'm so stuck in this rut because I never meet new people, get interested in new things or really leave the house lol, it's no one's fault but my own for losing my adventurous spirit. So first month of the new year, stepping out of the box! Hopefully some great things will come from this year.
BTW, is it Spring yet? I'm all for a snowy December, it adds to the holiday spirit and brings tidings of good cheer, but we're over the cold, please bring warm weather. I miss my motorcycle, it makes me sad to see it stuck in the shed with a cover on and hooked up to life support (aka battery charger). That rubber was meant to hit the road!! Bring it already! You'll notice the countdown to your right, not that it will hurry Spring along any but it's nice to have tabs on when she should arrive. (Is Spring a girl or boy? Winter is an Old Man but I don't know about the other seasons)
PS OL, if you're reading this before I see you, today was Oprah ticket day. Me, you and TT are all in the running.
Monday, January 3, 2011
You Know What Sucks?
Being so uber excited for the Really Lame Animal joke of the day only to remember half way into work that the one who possesses the above daily joke calendar has decided to take the week off (with the option of return Thursday or Friday) I literally did not want to come back to the humdrum of work after the vacation (note yesterday's post) and the only thing I was looking forward to was some really lame animal jokes.
Backstory: TT got Old Lady a very nice laser pointer for Christmas, in exactly 2.4 seconds OL broke her laser. So after a trip to the company store over lunch TT found the perfect replacement gift, it is so hard to find something for the one who has everything (and it's all hidden in her desk drawers or email inbox; need something from 2004 yep check the inbox... it's there. I promise) The perfect gift was indeed a Really Lame Animal joke a day calendar. I had to pick a few things up for OL at the store too so I just set them on her desk for her return and TT being the crafty gal she is re-used the gift back from the laser (you have to say it like Dr. Evil " the lazer") This confused OL and thought everything on the desk was from me, a very nice thank you was returned. TT asked if she found her gift... well OL thought it was from me and wasn't going to say anything (too sweet) but after she found out who it was from, she didn't hold back. She thought it was lame and would not be funny. WRONG! I mean come on the joke on the front
Q: What do you call a fish with no eyes?
A: Fsh
HILARIOUS! She even laughed. I'm pretty sure she laughed twice on different occasions at the same joke, if that isn't funny then I don't know what is.
So it was then decided that there would be an official time of the day when the really lame animal joke would be read. We decided the time can change based upon our morale needs. Old Lady taunted us with the box last week teasing that we couldn't take the plastic off and get our jokes until the new year. She even left the empty box hidden on my desk (didn't find it until this morning) just to tease. She knew the whole time that she'd be out the first week of the new year, torture. I even tried snooping for it but had no luck.
Old Lady when you get back you better get ready to bust a gut laughing cuz we got a week load of lame one's coming!!
Backstory: TT got Old Lady a very nice laser pointer for Christmas, in exactly 2.4 seconds OL broke her laser. So after a trip to the company store over lunch TT found the perfect replacement gift, it is so hard to find something for the one who has everything (and it's all hidden in her desk drawers or email inbox; need something from 2004 yep check the inbox... it's there. I promise) The perfect gift was indeed a Really Lame Animal joke a day calendar. I had to pick a few things up for OL at the store too so I just set them on her desk for her return and TT being the crafty gal she is re-used the gift back from the laser (you have to say it like Dr. Evil " the lazer") This confused OL and thought everything on the desk was from me, a very nice thank you was returned. TT asked if she found her gift... well OL thought it was from me and wasn't going to say anything (too sweet) but after she found out who it was from, she didn't hold back. She thought it was lame and would not be funny. WRONG! I mean come on the joke on the front
Q: What do you call a fish with no eyes?
A: Fsh
HILARIOUS! She even laughed. I'm pretty sure she laughed twice on different occasions at the same joke, if that isn't funny then I don't know what is.
So it was then decided that there would be an official time of the day when the really lame animal joke would be read. We decided the time can change based upon our morale needs. Old Lady taunted us with the box last week teasing that we couldn't take the plastic off and get our jokes until the new year. She even left the empty box hidden on my desk (didn't find it until this morning) just to tease. She knew the whole time that she'd be out the first week of the new year, torture. I even tried snooping for it but had no luck.
Old Lady when you get back you better get ready to bust a gut laughing cuz we got a week load of lame one's coming!!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Too Short!
Holidays are too short. I know they give us vacation days but I want to actually use those for a vacation not just because I need a mental health break and a day away from work. But at least we get a day here and there for a free holiday away. But alas tomorrow I must return, too bad there isn't a way to get paid and not have to go to work. Until then I guess I'll keep hauling my happy self back everyday until I figure out a way to get paid without going.
I'm still thinking of things I want to accomplish this year. They are more things I want to do rather than things to "work" on so I'm going to keep thinking about it and I'll get back to you.
Wish I was here...
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Day 1 of a new year, a new decade, a new start, new hopes and dreams.
My biggest goal this year is to stop worrying so much about the future and to live in the present. I want to meet people and make friends and learn new things, take more pictures, and get out of the house more and I'd like to eat better and exercise more.
To help me get started, I signed up for a photography workshop in February and I'm going to be working on a Project365.
Project 365 is something that a lot of people have been doing. Basically you take a photo a day and at the end you will have a year in the life of in daily snap shots. The main goal of these projects is to document your year in accomplishments, travels, adventures and just your everyday life that may be easy to forget the little things because life moves fast whether you feel it or not. It's also a great way to become a better photographer. Check out this link from Photojojo for a good explanation and browse around for great photography inspired crafts and creations! I'm really excited about this project and think it will be really fun. I've read that some people get bored and will give a weekly theme to keep them motivated. You can follow this project on my photo blog (find the photo blog link on the top right)
My biggest goal this year is to stop worrying so much about the future and to live in the present. I want to meet people and make friends and learn new things, take more pictures, and get out of the house more and I'd like to eat better and exercise more.
To help me get started, I signed up for a photography workshop in February and I'm going to be working on a Project365.

I still have so much that I want to accomplish in my life and without sounding too cliche', I'm trying really hard to be optimistic that this is going to be the year that things will start going in my direction. If you've know me for about the last three or four years I hope you've noticed a difference. I like to think that I've grown up a lot as a person and learned a lot about myself. It's been rough at times but I've made it through. I'm beginning to let go of the past and learn to look ahead and not back. I've heard everything happens for a reason and I'm really hoping that is true.
Happy New Year Folks. I hope everything is better for you in 2011 and may the next decade bring us all many dreams come true.
I've added the tag 2011 for posts where I have done something new or something noteworthy for this year's goal. This is my first whole year for my blog!
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